2022 ICBCC Campaign Interim Report now available!

October 20, 2022

We are happy to announce that the 2022 ICBCC Campaign Interim Report is now published and released on the ICBCC website.

This interim report summarises the activities to date carried out by the campaign secretariat (formally led by the CLL Advocates Network and supported by Patvocates as external consultancy) to build an international coalition of representatives from the global patient advocacy and clinical community, set up to promote the needs of immunocompromised (IC) patients around the world in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: the International Covid-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC).

Recognising the urgent peril these IC people have been facing and continue to face daily and to varying degrees, and in different parts of the world, the CLL Advocates Network, by making use of its vast international network of patient organisations and researchers in the field of blood cancer, together with Patvocates, a consultancy in the area of patient advocacy and patient engagement, and with the support of well-known patient organisations, researchers and clinicians in the haematological area, published a manifesto in early 2022, outlining core demands and recommendations to protect the lives of those who cannot do so for themselves.

Addressing three stakeholders – policy makers, clinicians and the public – the Coalition has since conducted a four-day online campaign, disseminating tailored Social Media toolkits and content on- and offline, and has made an appearance at various congresses and events in the field of haematology. The ICBCC campaign, conceived as an ongoing social and political endeavour and call to action, urges all stakeholders to take the needs of aforementioned immunocompromised patients into consideration according to their areas of influence.

In the following, this interim report will describe in detail the rationale behind the 2022 ICBCC Campaign, what specific and concrete actions can and need to be undertaken to protect the lives of immunocompromised people, and what has been achieved so far.


Press Contacts

Nicole Schröter
CLLAN Project Manager
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