La Lampada di Aladino ETS (Italy)

Scope of organisation

CANCER support organisation (non-CLL specific)


La Lampada di Aladino ETS Association is based in Brugherio, in the province of Monza Brianza. It was founded in 2000 by a group of former cancer patients with the aim of supporting cancer patients and their families during the acute and post-acute phase of the disease.

In our association we do not treat cancer. Our vision is oriented to support people who live this difficult ordeal, through the services offered by the P.A.R.O.L.A. Center (Prevention-Assistance-Oncological Rehabilitation, Aladdin Lamp).

Support services offered and available resources


Information on COVID-19

  • COVID-19 information hub

Services for HCP

Patient support services

Digital Tools & Resources

Campaigning and Advocacy