11 February 2021
COVID-19 vaccination and immune challenges for leukemia
On 11 February 2021, CLLAN (CLL Advocates Network) and ALAN (Acute Leukemia Advocates Network) ran a free webinar on COVID-19 vaccination and immune challenges for leukemia. The webinar targeted patient advocates in the area of CLL & acute leukaemia, and we were grateful to count on an international panel of experts from different areas of specialization (two clinicians, one regulator and one virologist):
- Professor Florence Cymbalista (France), Head Hematology Biology Department, Avicenne Hospital
- Dr Amit Patel (UK), Consultant in Cellular Therapies and Transplantation, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Haematology and Transplant Unit
- Dr Julio Delgado (The Netherlands / Spain), Seconded National Expert, Oncology Office, European Medicines Agency (EMA), Amsterdam / Department of Haematology, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona
- Professor Uwe Gerd Liebert (Germany), Institute of Virology, Leipzig University, Leipzig
Among others, our experts gave advice on the following topics:
– Safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines in patients with immune challenges
– Roll-out of vaccines in the patient communities
– Specific challenges of CLL and Acute Leukemia patients
The meeting was moderated by Zack Pemberton-Whiteley (Chair – Acute Leukemia Advocates Network, ALAN) and Pierre Aumont (vice-chair – CLL Advocates Network, CLLAN).
Please click here to access the recording.
Please click here to view the slides: Full slide deck (all except acute leukemia expert´s slides) / Slides Dr Patel – acute leukemia expert
Here you will find answers to questions from the audience that could not be answered during the meeting but were kindly answered by (currently three of) our panellists in writing.
Thanks to all those who have contributed to this webinar, to our speakers for their excellent presentations and for their readiness in answering the many questions received, and to our audience for your interest and great engagement!
We would like to thank the following companies for supporting this initiative:
A big thank you goes to all speakers who accepted our invite for kindly sharing their experience!