4th Sept is World Leukemia Day (WLD)
September 4th is World Leukemia Day (WLD), an awareness day that has been designed by Acute Leukemia Advocates Network (ALAN), CLL Advocates Network (CLLAN), CML Advocates Network (CMLAN) and Leukaemia Care to raise awareness of leukemia and the signs and symptoms.
In our role as global network and international collective representative of CLL patient groups we as CLLAN are committed to our objective: enhancing CLL patient care and improving outcomes. Let´s use WLD2020 to raise awareness of the challenges that CLL patients are facing and about the importance of 1) timely diagnosis and 2) appropriate access to information and treatment – both are crucial to improve day-to-day Quality of Life and outcomes of CLL patients worldwide.
Help us achieve this goal by sharing content & news from your countries, liking and retweeting but also actively posting on Social Media, supporting us with translations to your local language, and spreading the word by informing your membership / patients about #WLD2020 or #WorldLeukemiaDay.
There are online resources available including all social media artwork as well as informative graphics to share on the run up to the day and on the day itself, you can find all the information and downloads here.