
The CLLAN Community Forum is a closed forum available by invitation to members of the CLL Advocates Network and participants of the 2019 CLL Horizons Conference. The CLL Advocates Network Forum is run by the volunteer steering committee. It is meant to be a place where other CLL advocates can communicate and share with each other. It is a private forum, open exclusively to the above mentioned target groups. Information on this site is meant for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace or give medical advice. We reserve the right to delete any post without explanation. No liability, explicit or implied, shall be extended to the owners or maintainers of this forum for messages posted to the forum.

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Home Forums Covid-19 – Isolation and mental health Flyer “Corona and Cancer – What Can I Do under these circumstances? (GERMAN)

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  • #1502

    The Bavarian Cancer Society has published a flyer “Corona and Cancer – What Can I Do under these circumstances?” to help cancer patients get through these peculiar times with confidence and interiorly strengthened. Here is the link:
    It includes interesting information and recommended links, e.g. with impulses to keep fit at home (movement therapy, yoga for cancer patients (also laughter yoga), a mindfulness-based stress reduction training programme, Feldenkrais online courses for cancer patients, and others). Highly recommended! It´s in German, but if anybody is interested, I am happy to help with translation or with finding suitable alternatives for you in English language.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Lawrence.
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