
The CLLAN Community Forum is a closed forum available by invitation to members of the CLL Advocates Network and participants of the 2019 CLL Horizons Conference. The CLL Advocates Network Forum is run by the volunteer steering committee. It is meant to be a place where other CLL advocates can communicate and share with each other. It is a private forum, open exclusively to the above mentioned target groups. Information on this site is meant for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace or give medical advice. We reserve the right to delete any post without explanation. No liability, explicit or implied, shall be extended to the owners or maintainers of this forum for messages posted to the forum.

We are open to suggestions about what our users want. It is your forum – let us know what improvements you would like to see!

Your CLL Advocates Network Team

Home Forums Covid-19 – Changes to clinical practice impacting CLL patients Forum Etiquette – Read before posting

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  • #1250

    1) Choose your title carefully when you write a new post and add tags/keywords, so that people can easily see what it’s about.

    2) Use paragraph breaks frequently. Long unbroken texts are less likely to be read.

    3) Only give scientific explanations/medical details that are within your knowledge base. Give web references wherever possible, making sure they are from reputable sources

    4) Remember this is an INTERNATIONAL / GLOBAL group. Not everyone has the same medical system as you, with the same ability to choose doctors and treatments.

    5) Avoid using too many abbreviations – explain what the letters stand for when you use them for the first time.

    6) Show respect to others, even if you disagree with them. When in doubt, be kind.

    7) Sales or solicitations are not allowed on the forum.8) Data collection is not allowed without prior permission from CLLAN Community Forum owners.

    9) Respect copyright. Acknowledge your source.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Lawrence.
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