AELCLÉS is a non-profit network organization founded in 2009, formed from a group of associations with a shared objective: to help patients and their families affected by blood cancer illnesses to regain their health by supporting them throughout their treatment. AELCLÉS seeks to improve patients´ quality of life, strongly focusing on research support.

Additionally, a prime objective of AELCLÉS is to raise the profile of leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma disorders and make people aware of the importance of donating blood, bone marrow and blood from an umbilical cord.

Today AELCLÉS is a group of organizations which form a coordinated network throughout the whole of Spain.

AELCLÉS´ activities:

  • To promote the fight against haematological diseases.
  • To disseminate the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of these diseases.
  • To promote the donation of bone marrow and umbilical cord.
  • To promote and enhance the prevention of haematological diseases.
  • To promote blood donation.
  • To promote the improvement of the quality of life of those affected and their families. etc.



  • BUSCAR-T (Cart-T)
  • Café con Hematología (Coffee with Hematology)
  • DesahogArte (Relief Art)
  • En Marcha con AELCLÉS (On the Move with AELCLÉS)
  • Mi Hilo Rojo (My red Thread)
  • Encuentro virtual juvenil (Youth Virtual Meeting)
  • Psicotemas (Psychology Topics)
  • Mi tiempo para MI (my me-time)
  • Momento del Movimiento (Moment of Movement)


AELCLÉS currently represents 2306 members or patients with CLL (information as of July 2022).

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