Eesti Leukeemia- ja Lümfoomihaigete Liit (ELLL), the Estonian Leukaemia and Lymphoma Patients’ Society, unites the patients, their carers and medical staff of the malignancies of the blood (i.e. leukaemias, lymphomas, myelomas and other myeloprolofic diseases).
ELLL is a small organization with no paid staff, that was established in October of 2005, to help promote easier access to new medicines for chronic myeloid leukaemia. The first results were achieved in less than a year, and ELLL broadened its focus to include all patients of leukaemias, then those with lymphomas. As of 2022, we also represent patients with myelomas and myeloproliferative diseases.
ELLL´s activities include promoting awareness of the malignant blood diseases and organising seminars for our members. It organizes seminars on topics ranging from disease specific (latest treatments in different leukaemias etc) to general (nutrition, sleep, applying for benefits or support allowances) that are important to patients with CLL.
In 2022 the group set itself the goal to design quality of life services for its members. This includes free access to psychotherapists, sleep and nutrition specialists, and peer supporters.
ELLL currently represents > 20 members or patients with CLL (information as of January 2022).
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