The Slovenian lymphoma and leukemia patient association, L&L, has more than 750 patients suffering from lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome, and other forms of blood disorders, as well as their carers, experts and supporters.
With several supporting programs, projects and campaigns aimed at the early detection of blood cancers, access to state-of-the-art diagnostics, treatment, and comprehensive care of patients with blood cancers, as well as good cooperation with the health professionals, decision-makers and media, the L&L organization has managed to set the gold standard for modern advocacy for patients in its 15 years of operation in Slovenia.
Among the several successful supporting programs, activities and campaigns, let highlight some of them:
- Comprehensive rehabilitation programme:
5 yeas ago L&L organization developed the comprehensive rehabilitation programme for blood cancer patients entitled “Skupaj na poti do zdravja” (Together on the path to health) itself, in cooperation with the Association of Haematologists of Slovenia and rehabilitation experts. Within 5 years, a total of 250 users participated in the comprehensive rehabilitation program – - Web support platform
Due to the increased needs for individual psycho-social, nutrition and other support for blood cancer patients, the L&L organization developed and provides the online platform, through which patients and their relatives are given individual online counselling free of charge from three clinical psychologists, a clinical dietitian and a medical oncologist. - Education and support:
– 24/7 Infofon and helpline;
– L&L Info days – live and online meetings of patients, carers and health care professionals;
– Workshops with HC professionals;
– Info brochures and online info materials, etc. - Patient Advocacy activities
- Annual Awareness campaigns
- Annual fundraising activities and campaigns
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