The CLL Advocates Network is proud of its successful collaboration with iwCLL, the International Workshop on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, an international, non-profit association based in Cologne, Germany, which is committed to creating progress regarding the management and outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia world-wide. Its biennial meeting focused solely on advancing the understanding and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and related lymphoproliferative disorders. Founded in 1979, iwCLL is now the largest international meeting dedicated to advancing the state-of-the-art and emerging concepts – from laboratory-based research to the clinic – in the pathobiology and treatment of these blood cancers. The biennial meeting is intended to provide a forum that promotes the exchange of information and encourages collaboration among international leaders and scientists interested in CLL and lymphoproliferative disorders in one location for four days every other year.
In the past, the CLL Advocates Network has hosted its CLL Horizons Conference alongside the iwCLL Biennial Meetings, which has enabled the inclusion of patient experience plenary session at iwCLL conferences, posters, abstracts, document patient journey, and advocacy track sessions, while helping us attract outstanding speakers for our Horizons conferences and have access to the latest science. Ultimately, attaching our CLL Horizons Conference to the iwCLL Biennial Meeting offers significant efficiency savings.
CLLAN continued to build on the successful collaborations between the CLL clinical community during iwCLL19 and CLL Horizons 2019 in Edinburgh. The next in-person CLL Horizons is in planning and set up for Krakow in September 2021 to coincide and collaborate with the next iwCLL international conference. Please check here for further details.
To learn more about iwCLL, please visit the iwCLL website.

Contact details
For more information about the iwCLL Meeting, please contact