We are proud to welcome a new member to our Steering Committee Kathryn Huntley
We are excited to have Kathryn join our Steering Committee, and we look forward to moving the mission of CLLAN forward with Kathryn’s help.
Kathryn joined the CLL Advocates Network as a Steering Committee member in April 2022, but has always maintained close ties to the network. Kathryn has been a speaker and panellist at previous CLL Horizons meetings.
She has an extensive career history in the supportive care of people facing a blood cancer and their loved ones. Her career began as an oncology nurse, before her support role at the Leukaemia Foundation Australia. Kathryn has post graduate studies in Health Management and currently leads the national supportive care team as the Leukaemia Foundation’s General Manager of People Living with Blood Cancer. With heavy involvement in research and pilot programs within her role over the last few years, she has explored the unmet need and aspirations of those living with CLL. Trialling innovative support and program delivery to address this need and improve quality of life and outcomes for people living with CLL.
Kathryn has lead the change through COVID-19 to ensure access to support and trusted information remained available through the Leukaemia Foundation to those navigating the pandemic and their blood cancer diagnosis.