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28 March 2023

Webinar on “Latest advances in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) – What does this mean for patients?”



On 28 March 2023, CLLAN (CLL Advocates Network) collaborated in the joint initiative with ALAN (Acute Leukemia Advocates Network)CMLAN (CML Advocates Network) and UK charity organisation Leukaemia Care, and hosted third webinar in the series of four.

This webinar brought together international patients with CML, patient advocates and stakeholders from different countries around the globe. The aim of this educational webinar was to give patients and advocates an overview of how CML is treated today. Current approved therapies and their place in the treatment algorithm and management approaches long term. What  were the significance of ’hot topics’ and key treatment development advances published and discussed at 2022 international haematology conferences EHA22 and ASH22? What does this mean for patients?

We were joined by:

Nick York – Patient Advocacy Healthcare Liaison Officer, Leukaemia Care (UK)

Prof Andreas Hochhaus – Consultant Hematologist, Director Department of Hematology and Internal Oncology University Hospital Jena (DE)
Lisa Machado – Patient Advocate, CML Advocates Network (CA)

Webinar recording:

A big thank you to all patient and advocates who were able to attend live, and to our panellists for their excellent presentation, insight and for sharing their wealth of experience.


We would like to thank the following for their support: