Online Learning Platform


CLL Advocates Network, CML Advocates Network and Acute Leukemia Advocates Network are working hard to establish a long-term, global program, titled the Leukemia Patient Advocates Academy. This will support leukemia patient advocates in their efforts in improving the lives of people living with leukemia across the world. It aims to deliver comprehensive courses on a wide range of relevant topics – striving to enable the network to acquire new knowledge and expand current learnings. Students of the academy will learn and build their skills up to a level which will bring a better recognition, increase the advocacy impact in every single corner of the world and help to sustain their organisations.

Who can enroll?

Access to the Leukemia Patient Advocates Academy courses is free for all leukemia patient advocates, no matter where they live and would like to learn from experts and professionals.

Attend live webinars, access recorded materials, engage in simulations and assignments, join the community and interact with others, earn certificates, and more.

Upcoming course announcement

We are just starting to enroll one more group of participants in this repeated course:


In this course will learn from experts on how to master communication techniques more successfully, improve the effectiveness of conveying key messages and empower yourself in problem-solving in communication with targeted groups.

Important information

  • The places for this course are limited and pre-registration is required via this registration form.
  • You will be informed if your registration is accepted and you will get further instructions. If the places are full this time, stay in the loop with new enrollment announcement on this particular course.
  • The course starting date is 27th April 2024 
  • Attend two live online workshops and take the e-learning lessons within 5 weeks once per week for approx. 2+ hours duration, per each module/unit.

Secure your spot and save the dates!