ICBCC´s Joint Patient Impact Statement now launched!
A multi-stakeholder coalition consisting of representatives from the global patient advocacy and clinical community has formed the International COVID-19 Blood Cancer Coalition (ICBCC) to address the specific impact of the pandemic on immunocompromised blood cancer patients (both acute and chronic), like those living with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and to recommend solutions and actions to mitigate those risks.
The CLL Advocates Network (CLLAN) is acting as secretariat on behalf of the coalition.
The coalition has prepared a Joint Patient Impact Statement for use in different countries to aid when advocating for the provision of anti-COVID-19 treatment and care for immunocompromised or immunosuppressed (IC/IS) blood cancer patients.

The Statement has been endorsed by networks and national organisations of the global patient advocacy community as well as renowned medical societies and representatives from the global clinical community.
The statement is now available HERE for you to use and share.
For more information about the coalition, please click HERE.