Mirna Tomasevic
Communication and Administrative Coordinator

Mirna Tomašević joined CLL Advocates Network team as Administrative Coordinator in April 2022. Originally diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Mirna devoted her last 20 years volunteering for the Croatian Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (HULL). She is a co-founder and chair of the HULL regional branch in northern Croatia.

Mirna designed and launched the very first website about leukemia & lymphoma diagnosis, treatments and psychological support in Croatian language, including open discussion forums and publication of information brochures. These brochures are available in regional GP practices and hospital departments to provide information and raise awareness about hematological diseases.

She was involved in many Croatian Leukemia and Lymphoma Society projects throughout the years and is very proud to be a co-author of the ‘Knowledge To Health’ project which started in 2013 and still continues today featuring lectures reaching haematological patients, their families and carers in every Croatian region.

Mirna is a Croatian national living and working in the UK for the past decade. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in information technology, design, and visual communication, she has crafted, developed, and introduced online platforms, social media channels, awareness campaigns and various educational materials for patient organisations throughout her professional journey. In her current capacity as a Communications Specialist, Mirna enriches CLLAN projects with enhanced communication strategies and visual elements.

Mirna is an artistic person and very passionate about her hobbies – painting and travelling.

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